Guest Edited Journals
Caitlin DeSilvey and Rodney Harrison (eds) 2020 Anticipating Loss: Rethinking Endangerment in Heritage Futures. International Journal of Heritage Studies 26(1): 1-103.
Tony Bennett, Ben Dibley and Rodney Harrison (eds) 2014 Anthropology, Collecting and Colonial Governmentalities. History and Anthropology 25(2): 137-311.
Rodney Harrison and John Schofield (eds) 2009 Archaeo-ethnography, auto-archaeology: introducing archaeologies of the contemporary past. Archaeologies 5(2): 185-359.
Rodney Harrison, Jo Macdonald and Peter Veth (eds) 2005 Archaeology and Native Title. Australian Aboriginal Studies 2005:1.
Journal articles, book chapters, reports
Harrison, R., Rose, A., & Sterling, C. (2024). Ghosts of solid air: contested heritage and augmented reality in public space. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 1–19.
Natanel, Katie, Ashish Ghadiali, Tom Freshwater, Christo Kefalas, Rhys Crowther, Hannah Harris, Rodney Harrison, Tariq Jazeel, Joe Lyward, Terra Glowach, Misha Curson, Hannah Hooks and Liv Bailey (2024) A Framework for Environmental Justice. Radical Ecology, Dartington.
Dias, N., R. Harrison, D. Jørgensen, G. Plets & C. Sterling (2024) Heritage, Petroculture, and the Green Transition. Energy Humanities. Online at
Harrison, R. (2023) A Role for Heritage in Development? In C. Cross and J. D. Giblin (eds) Critical Approaches to heritage for Development. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Harrison, R. (2023) Czym jest dziedzictwo? Translated by Anna Brzostowska. In M. Stobieka (ed) Krytyczne studia nad dziedzictwem: pojęcia metody, teorie i perspektywy. Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, pp. 37-77.
Harrison, R. (2023) Przekroczyć podział na dziedzictwo 'naturalne' i 'kulturalne': ku ontologicznej polityce dziedzictwa w przyszłości. Translated by Ewa Klekot. In M. Stobiecka (ed) Krytyczne studia nad dziedzictwem: pojęcia metody, teorie i perspektywy. Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, pp. 149-178.
Harrison, R. and C. Sterling (2023) Rethinking Museums for the Climate Emergency. In R. Harrison, N. Dias and K. Kristiansen (eds) Critical Heritage Studies and the Futures of Europe. London: UCL Press.
Harrison, R. and C. Sterling (2023) The Speculative and the Profane: Reimagining heritage and museums for climate action. In N. Shepherd (ed) Rethinking Heritage in Precarious Times: Coloniality, Climate Change, and Covid-19. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Harrison, R., N. Dias and K. Kristiansen (2023) Critical heritage studies and the futures of Europe: an introduction. In R. Harrison, N. Dias and K. Kristiansen (eds) Critical Heritage Studies and the Futures of Europe. London: UCL Press.
Sterling, C. and R. Harrison (2023) The New Inheritance Paradigm: Heritage in, of and after the Anthropocene. In R. Ghosn and E. Jazairy (eds) Climate Inheritance. Actar Publishers.
DeSilvey, C., H. Fredheim, A. Blundell and R. Harrison (2022) Identifying Opportunities for Integrated Adaptive Management of Heritage Change and Transformation in England: A Review of Relevant Policy and Current Practice. Historic England Research Report Series no. 18/2022
Das, S., A. Ghadiali, H. McGhie & R. Harrison (2021) Genealogies of the Emergency: A Conversation on Race, Climate and Museums with Subhadra Das & Ashish Ghadiali facilitated by Rodney Harrison & Henry McGhie. In R. Harrison & C. Sterling (eds) Reimagining Museums for Climate Action. London: Museums for Climate Action.
DeSilvey, C., H. Fredheim, H. Fluck, R. Hails, R. Harrison, I. Samuel & A. Blundell (2021) When Loss is More: From Managed Decline to Adaptive Release, The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17567505.2021.1957263
Ghosn, R., E. Jazairy, P. Rawes & R. Harrison (2021) Shot/Reverse Shot: A Conversation on Architecture, Design and the Climate Emergency with Rania Ghosn, El Hadi Jazairy & Peg Rawes facilitated by Rodney Harrison. In R. Harrison & C. Sterling (eds) Reimagining Museums for Climate Action. London: Museums for Climate Action.
Harrison, R. (2021) Legacies: Rethinking the Futures of Heritage and Waste in the Anthropocene. In T. Rinke Bangstad & Þóra Pétursdóttir (eds) Heritage Ecologies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Harrison, R. (2021) Pasts otherwise: Some comments on the historiography of concepts of ‘colonialism’ and ‘entanglement’ and the critique of the concept of ‘contact’ in Australasian Archaeology. Australian Archaeology 88(1): 94-95.
Harrison, R. (2021) Preservation as Futures-Making Practices. In S. Kemp and J. Andersson (eds) Futures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Harrison, R. & C. Sterling (2021) Museums Otherwise: A Compendium of Possible Futures. In R. Harrison & C. Sterling (eds) Reimagining Museums for Climate Action. London: Museums for Climate Action.
Harrison, R. & L. Tam (2021) A Conversation with Rodney Harrison on Heritage: Critical Approaches. Built Heritage 5(4): 148-156 (in Chinese and English).
Harrison, R. (2020) Heritage Practices as Future-Making Practices. In C. Holtorf and A. Högberg (eds) Cultural Heritage and the Future. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Breithoff, E., & Harrison, R. (2020). From Ark to Bank: Extinction, proxies and biocapital in ex-situ biodiversity conservation practices. International Journal of Heritage Studies 26(1): 37-55.
Breithoff, E., & Harrison, R. (2020). Making Futures in End Times: Nature Conservation in the Anthropocene. In R. Harrison & C. Sterling (eds) Deterritorializing the Future: Heritage in, of and after the Anthropocene. Open Humanities Press, London.
DeSilvey, C., & Harrison, R. (2020). Anticipating Loss: Rethinking Endangerment in Heritage Futures. International Journal of Heritage Studies 26(1): 1-7.
Sterling, C. & Harrison, R. (2020). Introduction: Of Territories and Temporalities. In R. Harrison & C. Sterling (eds) Deterritorializing the Future: Heritage in, of and after the Anthropocene. Open Humanities Press, London.
Harrison, R. (2019). Arqueologias de futuros e presentes emergentes. Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana de Arqueologia Histórica, 12(2): 83-104.
Harrison, R., Morel, H., Sterling, C., & Williams, H. (2018). Heritage Research: The AHRC Heritage Priority Area. Archaeology International, 21: 75-81.
Harrison, R. (2018). On Heritage Ontologies: Rethinking the Material Worlds of Heritage. Anthropological Quarterly, 91(4): 1365-1383.
Harrison, R. (2018). Critical heritage studies beyond epistemic populism. Antiquity 92(365), E9.
Harrison, R., Appelgren, S., & Bohlin, A. (2018). Belonging and Belongings: On Migrant and Nomadic Heritages in and for the Anthropocene. In Y. Hamilakis (Ed.), The New Nomadic Age: Archaeologies of Forced and Undocumented Migration. Sheffield, UK: Equinox.
Gardner, A., & Harrison, R. (2017). Brexit, Archaeology and Heritage: Reflections and Agendas. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, 27(1).
Harrison, R. (2017). Freezing seeds and making futures: Endangerment, hope, security, and time in agrobiodiversity conservation practices. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment, 39(2): 80-89.
Harrison, R., Breithoff, E. (2017). Archaeologies of the Contemporary World. Annual Review of Anthropology, 46:203-221.
Harrison, R. (2016). Archaeologies of Emergent Presents and Futures. Historical Archaeology, 50 (3), 165-180.
Harrison, R. (2016). World Heritage Listing and the Globalization of the Endangerment Sensibility. In Vidal, F., Dias, N. (Eds.), Endangerment, Biodiversity and Culture. (pp. 195-217). Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Harrison, R., Bartolini, N., DeSilvey, C., Holtorf, C., Lyons, A., Macdonald, S., May, S., Morgan, J., Penrose, S. (2016). Heritage Futures. Archaeology International, 19 68-72.
González-Ruibal, A., Harrison, R., Holtorf, C., Wilkie, L. (2015). Archaeologies of Archaeologies of the Contemporary Past: An Interview with Victor Buchli and Gavin Lucas. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 1 (2), 265-276.
Harrison, R. (2015). Heritage and Globalisation. In Waterton, E., Watson, S. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Heritage Research. (pp. 297-312). Palgrave.
Harrison, R. (2015). Beyond “Natural” and “Cultural” Heritage: Toward an Ontological Politics of Heritage in the Age of Anthropocene. Heritage & Society, 8 (1), 24-42.
Harrison, R., Wilkie, L., González-Ruibal, A., Holtorf, C. (2014). Editorial. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 1 (1), 1-6.
Harrison, R., Bennett, T., Dibley, B. (2014). Introduction: Anthropology, Collecting and Colonial Governmentalities. History and Anthropology, 25 (2), 137-149.
Harrison, R. (2014). Observing, Collecting and Governing “Ourselves” and “Others”: Mass-Observation's Fieldwork Agencements. History and Anthropology, 25 (2), 227-245.
Ferris, N., Harrison, R., Beaudoin, M.A. (2014). Introduction: Rethinking Colonial Pasts through the Archaeologies of the Colonized. In
Ferris, N., Harrison, R., Wilcox, M. (Eds.), Rethinking Colonial Pasts through Archaeology.(pp. 1-34). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
Harrison, R. (2014). Shared Histories: Rethinking 'Colonized' and 'Colonizer' in the Archaeology of Colonialism. In Ferris, N., Harrison, R., Wilcox, M. (Eds.), Rethinking Colonial Pasts through Archaeology. (pp. 37-56). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
Harrison, R. (2013). Forgetting to remember, remembering to forget: Heritage, late modernity and the ‘problem’ of memory. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 19 (6), 579-595.
Harrison, R. (2013). Assembling and Governing Cultures “at Risk”: Centers of Collection and Calculation, from the Museum to World Heritage. In Harrison, R., Byrne, S., Clarke, A. (Eds.), Reassembling the Collection: Ethnographic Museums and Indigenous Agency. (pp. 89-114). Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press.
Harrison, R. (2013). Heritage. In Graves-Brown, P., Harrison, R., Piccini, A. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Contemporary World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Harrison, R., Graves-Brown, P., Piccini, A. (2013). Introduction. In Graves-Brown, P., Harrison, R., Piccini, A. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Contemporary World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Harrison, R. (2013). Reassembling Ethnographic Museum Collections. In Harrison, R., Byrne, S., Clarke, A. (Eds.), Reassembling the Collection: Ethnographic Museums and Indigenous Agency. (pp. 3-35). Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press.
Harrison, R. (2013). Scratching the Surface: Reassembling an archaeology in and of the present. In Gonzalez-Ruibal, A. (Ed.), Reclaiming Archaeology: Beyond the Tropes of Modernity. (pp. 44-55). Routledge.
Harrison, R. (2011). Archaeologies now. Creative interventions in the present for the future. Archaeological Dialogues, 18 (2), 180-196.
Harrison, R. (2011). Surface assemblages. Towards an archaeology in and of the present. Archaeological Dialogues, 18 (2), 141-161.
Harrison, R. (2011). ‘Counter-mapping’ heritage, communities and places in Australia and the UK. In Schofield, J., Szymanski, R. (Eds.), Local Heritage, Global Context: Cultural Perspectives on Sense of Place. (pp. 79-98). Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate.
Harrison, R. (2011). Consuming Colonialism: Curio-seller's catalogues, souvenir objects and Indigenous agency in Oceania. In Byrne, S., Clarke, A., Harrison, R., Torrence, R. (Eds.), Unpacking the Collection: Networks of Material and Social Agency in the Museum. (pp. 55-82). New York: Springer.
Byrne, S., Clarke, A., Harrison, R., Torrence, R. (2011). Networks, Agents and Objects: Frameworks for Unpacking Museum Collections. In Byrne, S., Clarke, A., Harrison, R., Torrence, R. (Eds.), Unpacking the Collection: Networks of Material and Social Agency in the Museum. (pp. 3-26). New York: Springer.
Harrison, R. (2010). ‘Where the cattle went, they went’: towards a phenomenological archaeology of mustering in the Kunderang Gorges, northeastern New South Wales. In Lewis, H., Semple, S. (Eds.), Perspectives in Landscape Archaeology. (pp. 45-54). Oxford: Archaeopress.
Harrison, R., Linkman, A. (2010). Critical approaches to heritage. In Harrison, R. (Ed.), Understanding the politics of heritage. (pp. 43-80). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Harrison, R., Hughes, L. (2010). Heritage and postcolonialism. In Harrison, R. (Ed.), Understanding the politics of heritage. (pp. 234-269). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Harrison, R. (2010). Heritage as Social Action. In West, S. (Ed.),Understanding heritage in practice. (pp. 240-276). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Harrison, R., Rose, D.B. (2010). Intangible Heritage. In Benton, T. (Ed.),Understanding heritage and memory. (pp. 238-276). Manchester: Manchester Univ Press.
Harrison, R. (2010). Multicultural and minority heritage. In Benton, T. (Ed.),Understanding heritage and memory. (pp. 164-201). Manchester: Manchester Univ Press.
Harrison, R. (2010). Natural Heritage. In West, S. (Ed.), Understanding heritage in practice. (pp. 88-126). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Harrison, R. (2010). Stone Artefacts. In Hicks, D., Beaudry, M.C. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture Studies. (pp. 515-536). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
Harrison, R., Weinbren, D., Ferguson, R. (2010). The heritage of the contemporary past. In Benton, T. (Ed.), Understanding heritage and memory.(pp. 277-315). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Harrison, R. (2010). The politics of heritage. In Harrison, R. (Ed.),Understanding the politics of heritage. (pp. 154-196). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Harrison, R. (2010). What is Heritage?. In Harrison, R. (Ed.), Understanding the politics of heritage. (pp. 5-42). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Harrison, R. (2010). Exorcising the 'plague of fantasies': Mass media and archaeology's role in the present; or, why we need an archaeology of 'now'. World Archaeology, 42 (3), 328-340.
Harrison, R., Schofield, J. (2009). Archaeo-Ethnography, auto-archaeology: Introducing archaeologies of the contemporary past. Archaeologies, 5 (2), 185-209.
Clune, G., Harrison, R. (2009). Coastal shell middens of the Abydos Coastal plain, Western Australia. Archaeology in Oceania, 44 (SUPPL. 1), 70-80.
Harrison, R. (2009). Excavating second life: Cyber-Archaeologies, heritage and virtual communities. Journal of Material Culture, 14 (1), 75-106.
Harrison, R. (2009). Rationales for the production of Kimberley points: A reply to Akerman. Australian Aboriginal Studies, (2009/1), 89-91.
Harrison, R. (2009). The archaeology of the Port Hedland coastal plain and implications for understanding the prehistory of shell mounds and middens in northwestern Australia. Archaeology in Oceania, 44 (SUPPL. 1), 81-98.
Harrison, R. (2009). Towards an Archaeology of the welfare state in Britain, 1945-2009. Archaeologies, 5 (2), 238-262.
Harrison, R. (2009). ‘three, two, one...?’: The material legacy of global Millennium celebrations. In Schofield, J. (Ed.), Defining moments: Dramatic archaeologies of the twentieth century. Studies in Contemporary and Historical Archaeology. (pp. 147-156). British Archaeological Reports.
Gibbs, M., Harrison, R. (2008). Dynamics of dispersion revisited? Archaeological context and the study of Aboriginal knapped glass artefacts in Australia. Australian Archaeology, 67 61-68.
Harrison, R. (2008). Historical archaeology in the Land of the Black Stump.In Mayne, A. (Ed.), Beyond the Black Stump: Histories of Outback Australia. (pp. 85-112). Kent Town: Wakefield Press.
Harrison, R. (2008). The politics of the past: conflict in the use of heritage in the modern world. In Fairclough, G., Harrison, R., Jameson, J.H., Schofield, J. (Eds.), The Heritage Reader. (pp. 177-190). Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Harrison, R., Fairclough, G., Schofield, J., Jameson, J.H. (2008). Heritage, memory and modernity: An introduction. In Fairclough, G.J., Harrison, R., Schofield, J., Jameson, J.H. (Eds.), The Heritage Reader. (pp. 1-12). Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Harrison, R., Gibbs, M., Przywolnik, K., Burke, S., Sellers, A. (2008).Engagements in the field: Teaching field archaeology in the context of a community-driven research project. Archaeological Heritage, 1 (1), 29-36.
Harrison, R. (2007). On Kimberley Points and the Politics of Enchantment: Reply to Akerman. Current Anthropology, 48 (1), 133-134.
Harrison, R. (2007). Materiality, ‘ambiguity’ and the unfamiliar in the Archaeology of Inter-Societal Confrontations: A Case Study from Northwest Australia. In Cornell, P., Fahlander, F. (Eds.), Encounters|Materialities|Confrontations: Archaeologies of Social Space and Interaction. (pp. 42-57). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Harrison, R. (2006). An artefact of colonial desire? Kimberley points and the technologies of enchantment. Current Anthropology, 47 (1), 63-88.
Harrison, R. (2006). ‘It will always be set in your heart’: archaeology and community values at the former Dennawan Reserve, northwestern NSW, Australia. In Agnew, N., Bridgland, J. (Eds.), Of the Past, for the Future: Integrating Archaeology and Conservation. (pp. 94-101). Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.
Harrison, R. (2006). Aboriginal people and pastoralism 1850-1950. In Davidson, I., Ryan, J.S., Piper, A. (Eds.), High Lean Country: Environment, Peoples and Tradition in New England. (pp. 111-121). Sydney: UNSW Press.
Harrison, R. (2005). Contact archaeology and Native Title in Australia. Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2005 (1), 16-29.
Harrison, R. (2005). Dreamtime, old time, this time: Archaeology, memory and the present-past in a northern Australian Aboriginal community. In Lydon, J., Ireland, T. (Eds.), Object Lessons: Archaeology and heritage in Australia. (pp. 243-264). Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
Harrison, R. (2004). Kimberley points and colonial preference: New insights into the chronology of pressure flaked point forms from the southeast Kimberley, Western Australia. Archaeology in Oceania, 39 (1), 1-11.
Harrison, R. (2004). Contact archaeology and the landscapes of pastoralism in the North of Australia. In Murray, T. (Ed.), The Archaeology of Contact in Settler Societies. (pp. 109-143). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Harrison, R. (2004). Shared histories and the archaeology of the pastoral industry in Australia. In Harrison, R., Williamson, C. (Eds.), After Captain Cook: The archaeology of the Recent Indigenous Past in Australia. (pp. 37-58). Altamira Press.
Harrison, R., Williamson, C. (2004). Too many Captain Cooks? An archaeology of Aboriginal Australia after 1788. In Harrison, R., Williamson, C. (Eds.), After Captain Cook: The archaeology of the recent indigenous past in Australia. (pp. 1-14). Altamira Press.
McIntyre-Tamwoy, S., and Harrison, R. (2004). Monuments to colonialism? Stone arrangements, tourist cairns and turtle magic at Evans Bay, Cape York. Australian Archaeology, 59 31-42.
Harrison, R. (2003). ‘The Magical Virtue of These Sharp Things’: Colonialism, Mimesis and Knapped Bottle Glass Artefacts in Australia. Journal of Material Culture, 8 (3), 311-336.
Harrison, R. (2003). The archaeology of ‘lost places’: ruin, memory and the heritage of the Aboriginal diaspora in Australia. Historic Environment, 17 (1), 18-23.
Harrison, R. (2002). Archaeology and the colonial encounter: Kimberley spearpoints, cultural identity and masculinity in the north of Australia. Journal of Social Archaeology, 2 (3), 352-377.
Harrison, R. (2002). Australia’s Iron Age: Aboriginal post-contact metal artefacts from Old Lamboo station, southeast Kimberley, WA. Australasian Historical Archaeology, 20 67-76.
Harrison, R., Greer, S., McIntyre-Tamwoy, S. (2002). Community-based archaeology in Australia. World Archaeology, 34 (2), 265-287.
Harrison, R. (2000). ‘Nowadays with glass’: regional variation in Aboriginal bottle glass artefacts from Western Australia. Archaeology in Oceania, 35 (1), 34-47.
Harrison, R. (2000). Challenging the 'authenticity' of antiquity: Contact Archaeology and Native Title in Australia. In Lilley, I. (Ed.), Native Title and the Transformation of Archaeology in a Postcolonial World. (pp. 35-53). Sydney: Oceania Publications.
Harrison, R., Frink, D. (2000). The OCR Carbon Dating Procedure in Australia: new dates from Wilinyjibari rockshelter, southeast Kimberley, Western Australia. Australian Archaeology, 51 (1), 6-15.
Harrison, R. (2002). Pastoral Heritage and the NPWS Estate: A Discussion Paper. Hurstville, NSW: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.